Proper training is the foundation for everything we do at Storer Services. We have experts who can train your staff on Controls, Integration, Operation, Building Management, and Equipment Service. We offer periodical training sessions on these topics, but we can also tailor a session to the needs of your team. If you have a specific training request, please contact Debbie Fitzpatrick, at 318-861-8475.
AC Clinic
Start at the beginning
AC Clinic is a multi-day HVAC bootcamp that will get someone from any background comfortable with the theories, components, and cycles of air conditioning. The Clinic is hosted at our training facility, and meals are catered for convenience. Every employee at Storer goes through the Clinic when they start here, from Accounting to Project Management. Let us help get your new hires up to speed, check back for the next scheduled class, or get in touch and let us know you’re interested!