Solving Back Flow Drain Discharging Issues/Testing

Solving Back Flow Drain Discharging Issues/Testing

IN Service, Solutions
Client Name:
Local HOA Office Complex

Project Started:
Shreveport, LA
About Project

Project Overview

Client: Local HOA Office Complex
Location: Shreveport La.
Issue: Drain on Assembly constantly discharging
Scope: Assess assembly, replace if necessary, and Test


An office building in the downtown area has a Backflow Assembly that continues to discharge water out of the drain/relief. Due to the discharge customers’ water bill has been higher than normal, and the entire front lawn and sidewalk area is wet constantly.


  1. Relief Valve Discharge: Relief valve is discharged keeping the entire front of the building and sidewalk area wet and muddy.

Solutions Implemented

  1. Assess visually and Attempted Test:
    • Visually inspected assembly. No physical defects were noted.
    • Hooked up test kit and assembly failed.
    • Broke assembly down and installed complete repair kit.
    • Reassembled and retested. The Assembly failed once again.
    • Finally noticed a defect in cup seal housing.
    • Replaced entire assembly with new.
    • Tested and Passed

Implementation Process

Assessment and Planning:

    • Conducted a thorough inspection of the existing Backflow.


    • Took old assembly out of Service and removed.
    • Made minor modifications in piping because the existing model has been discontinued.
    • Installed new assembly.
    • Leak tested and verified system was tight and leak free.

Testing and Verification:

    • Performed a turn and twist test of the new assembly to ensure proper functionality.
    • Hooked Watts Backflow Test Kit up and tested the assembly out. The Assembly has passed the test and been certified.
    • Filled out a Green tag and placed on the assembly.
    • Filled out Test reports and made any recommendations or comments.
    • Briefed customer on results and gave a copy of the test report to them.


  • Resolved Discharging Water Issue: Landscaping and sidewalk will soon dry up and no longer present any unsightly conditions or safety concerns.
  • Insured that the Local Water System is Once Again Protected: A proper working Backflow ensures the quality and health of the public and too the water system.
  • Eliminates Future Hazards: Assembly will now protect against Backflow, Back-Siphonage, and Back-Pressure.
  • Reduced Operational Cost: Water bill will be more accurate going forward.


By replacing the existing non-working Backflow assembly, not only will the customer be protected against Backflow and the associated hazards, but so will the Domestic water system.

Client Testimonial

“The persistent discharge of water not only created higher water bill cost but also created a nasty unsightly mess for our customers. We also had safety concerns due to the concrete staying wet and slippery. Thanks to the expert plumbing solutions provided, by Storer Services Plumbing team. They are not only helping and protecting us, but they are taking care of our most precious natural resource Our Water System.” We cannot say enough about Storer and its knowledgeable and skilled Plumbing staff! Our tenants are happy, and so are we!”